Saturday, June 4, 2011

{last of the easter posts}

Here is my last installment of Easter. Yeah! I made it!

Easter is a fun excuse to get the kids some new dress clothes. I'm having so much fun buying matching clothes for my boys. I got their shirts at Children's Place and ties from Peanut Posh. Mylie got an Emily Harkness original. Thus, the crookedness in the seams, etc. Oh well, she only cared that it did pretty darn good twirls!

Love my blue-eyed boys!

Mylie did a lot of twirls and dancing on Easter. In fact, she even said she needed to use the bathroom during stake conference...but really I found out, she just needed some time in the hall to do some twirls.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Love the pictures! Your kids are so cute and I think that dress turned out darling!

What happened with Russ? I hope everything is ok now, do you need anything?