Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Yesterday this little guy turned 6 months old. SIX MONTHS OLD!!! How can a half of a year already have passed?! He's getting close to being able to sit up on his own. I can't wait because you know what that means?? Time for a photo shoot! I know you're probably thinking, more pictures, really? But I can't help it...kind of an obsession.

Speaking of photo shoots, I am dying over the pictures I took of Mylie really quick yesterday for her official 3-year old pics. How can one little girl give me so many pictures to choose from in just a short 25 minute session (which included 3 outfit changes!)? Well, stay tuned. I know you're so excited for more pictures of my kids :)


Amber said...

Baby Coy is so cute with his beautiful blue eyes! Have I ever told you how much I LOVE his name- I really love it!

The Monson Family said...

Your kids are so dang cute!

stewart.shana.ella said...

I don't know who told these kids they could grow up. I am not a fan:) Love the pictures of coy- he sure is darling.

Scootergirl said...

I am! I love to check you blogs and see what's new!

Aunty Carolyn!