Monday, February 29, 2016

Halloween Decor 2015

It was so fun to decorate our new house for the first time for Halloween. We missed our decorations the year before since they were in storage! After we put our friendly ghost out on the front porch, Nora begged to go out and see him nonstop for the first few days: "I wanna see it-the ghost, mommy! Peez? Go ow-side and see the ghost!"

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Planting Fruit Trees

At the end of September, we got three fruit trees to plant out in our yard. (We are planning on getting three more this spring.) Coy is such a helper! He is always the first to volunteer or offer to help do anything in the yard or the kitchen. He loves to dig in, learn, and get his hands dirty.  He is our future chef and gardener!

It will be fun to see how these trees grow through the years. I'm hoping some day we will look back at these pictures and say "Wow! Look how tiny our trees were. They are so big now!"
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I'm excited to see how the trees grow, and how our children grow as well!
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This was the icing on the cake that day. Our darling little Coy was so exhausted after all his hard work that he fell asleep before he could even finish crawling into his bed that night.
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